Unit Goals

                       OVERALL GOAL: Develop good citizens 

Community Service

· 25 hrs. per quarter per platoon

· Canned Food Drive

· Adopt-A-Highway

· Project Period

· Silver Springs 

· Deka fit

· Elks lodge 

· Color Guard, Have some cadets in each platoon fill in color guard slots

· Drill performances

Academic Improvement

· 3.0 over all Avg GPA

· Show growth through Skyward Tutoring / Study Hall


· Procedures - Form for PT, Attention on deck, Inspection

· OPS - Calendar

· Communication - AAR/Hot wash, CONOP, Remind 

4. Promotions-

a. NS1's 6 per quarter per platoon

b. NS2, NS3, and NS4’s 4 per quarter per platoon

Plan After Graduation

· Tutoring / study hall as a time for collage essays, sat/act/clt study, or research potential futures.